Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"juice" - renee gladman

"juice" by Renee gladman is possibly one of the worst books I have ever read in my whole life. End of blog post, but seriously this book made absolutely no sense to me...  the narrator would skip around constantly in the stories which made it that more difficult to follow. Also not knowing in the beginning that the book was going to consist of four different completely random, no-sense-making stories that jump around from time to time in which ever way floats the authors boat.

Also she does not tell you what exactly happened in all the different scenarios as to what went wrong she is just poorly describing life after the "tragedy" whatever that may be, an apple shortage, people magically vanishing from the town, having sex with leaves, etc.  I am not going to try and decipher what each story meant not for lack of trying but honest unknowing. Also throughout the whole book I am trying to figure out if the narrator is a boy or a girl and I am truly clueless on that one.  

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